; Dreams

Just your basic dream journal. I will attempt to record all of my dreams here, no matter how mundane or humiliating they may be.
Keep in mind, I wake up and crawl to the computer and write these before coffee, tea or anything so yeah, they're a mess. Enjoy.

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Location: Sacramento, California, United States

Sea Monkey devotee since childhood.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fuck I'm Weird

I'm a black guy in a dance troupe with three other guys but we're really organized crime types and so we pretend we're doing a dance routine while we sneak off stage and out the back door ala the Blues Brothers but a copy catches me so I kick his ass and maybe even stab him with a pen but I'm able to undo things if I think I did something bad, like rewind and undo
but then I'm a white guy again I think, but I'm still the guy that fought with the cop and I seem my friend Chris (who is black) and he has crazy long hair which means he has been out of the military awhile which is strange since I thought he was still in Iraq and then a cop talks to us but I play it cool and the cop doesn't recognize me but Chris runs all over the warehouse we're for some reason in acting crazy and I start to realize that he is very unstable and I suspect he is schyzophrenic, as a friend of mine in real life actually is the symptoms having shown up after he reached adult hood. I bring Chris home to Bryna and watch as she and other people realize that somethings not quite right and then I'm crying and walking int eh rain and I'm naked and I need to find clothes but I don't feel particluarly modest and luckily a woman offers me some clother.

A couple of nights earlier I dreamt that I went back in time and Darwinian subconcious impulses meant that I, having even just a few decades more evolving done than the girls my same age in the past am suddenly irresistibly attractive to them and I flirt and catch eyes and I walk right up to this blonder girl in a bikin top and little dolphin shorts and put my hand on her ass and I kiss her chest and I just keep on walking...

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Run Aways, Emily and France, Bear, Scary Upstairs

I dreamt that I still had my bus. I was out walking and saw a skinny girl, mid to late teens sleeping in a car or being chased away from the car or something. Later I discover her sleeping in my bus. I figured it was decked out pretty nice to live in, it's purpose really, so I told her she could crash there for awhile while she got back on her feet. I felt really good about it, because the bus is almost like a little apartment and she could feel safe and know that she had somewhere to go. I told her I'd make breakfast. Then I went in and told Bryna that I let an underage runaway move in to my bus. She took it surprising well.

The next night, after seeing a news program about Mormon exiles or "lost boys", I dreamt that I let a couple of THEM come stay with us. I don't what is with the runaway theme.

I dreamt Emily was back from France. At first I thought she'd had a fight with her boyfriend and I'm like YOU DON'T LEAVE FRANCE OVER A FIGHT! YOU....JUST.... GET ALONG!!! But, she actually was back because it had been decided that she was going to live there and so she had to pack up her apartment and take care of some business. Our house was crazy. In addition to Emily my family was there and a present had arrived from George of Sea Monkeys but I don't remember what it was or what was odd about it, but something...
Oh, and also Emily had a custom card made for us, she wrote the text but then had it printed and printed sort of ghetto, like she found a twenty five cent make your own card machine or something.
Thene we were at a big store that had a zoo like exhibit with a bear and then the bear seemed made and was charging, and I thought the scenery was made to look bigger than it was so the bear was reaching us much quicker than he should have. We all ran, along with other customers to the parking lot. We locked the doors. We both insisted on driving back by the store though because we really wanted to see the bear but Bryna made sure our windows were all the way up first and that is funny because in real life our windows are stuck in the up position and won't roll down and we have now air conditioning.

THEN a couple nights ago the scarry upstairs apartment. We're in our apartment only it's my nondivorced parents apartment with an extra room, our room. My friends Crelly and Kate are over and they want to see the attic which I never went into so we pull down the attic ladder stairs thing and go up and it's a great little two bedroom apartment with a kitchen. And I'm stoked and we'll live here and I remember suggesting that we not even tell the landlord that we know about it. I start to wonder about it though. Why hasn't the landlord mentioned it. Why is it furnished and why does it look like it was vacated so quickly. I start to be afraid of it. No real reason, just dreadfully afraid.
I try to go to sleep (still in the dream here) and my mom comes in and lays down across the bed to talk with us. She is scared too. Bryna, half asleep, says she knows the man that we sense and he thinks I am a genius but bares me know ill will. I sense that this man/ghost whatever was a controlling oppressive not good sort.

When I wake up I'm freaked and I have a really hard time sleeping.