Back Yard Pool Party
I'm at a pool party. Apparently invited by Tapan as he is the only person there I know. Most of the guest are jock, cargo pants type guys with girlfriends in bikinis who just lay in the sun not talking. Tapan was on top of this weird round platform that water came up from the center of and then ran over constantly. He was having a blass. I was not in swimming attire. One of the 'dudes' asked me to take a picture and then a bunch of pictures of his girlfriend. I don't know why I had to take them as he wasn't in the shots. She looked bored. Some big guy came and stood right in front of me and I had to ask him to move. The 'dude' was real happy that I'd taken the pictures of his 'hot' girlfriend. I went inside and saw Tapan smoking a cigar. I asked where he got it. He offered it to me but the end was shredded and slobbery. Bored girl told me that 'dude' had cigars and that he was looking for me to offer me one. Found dude, was picking out short mellow cigar, woke up....
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